Regime Shifts in Holocene Paleohydrology as Recorded by Asian Speleothems#
This repository contains the notebooks used to generate figures and conduct analysis from the paper Regime Shifts in Holocene Paleohydrology as Recorded by Asian Speleothems.
This repository is loosely structured in a way that is similar to the publication it is based on. It contains a few sections:
Loading Data
Exploring the Data
Main Analysis
Each of these contains notebooks that reproduce figures from the main text of the original publication, James, A., Hu, J., Emile-Geay, J., Partin, J. W., Scroxton, N., Malik, N., & Gao, Y. (2025). Regime shifts in Holocene paleohydrology as recorded by Asian speleothems. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 40, e2024PA004974.